Women Artists: A Celebration! was created in 1982 when the Youngstown Area Arts Council announced a community event called Walk on Wick. YWCA Board member Nancy Morris asked friend and fellow artist Eileen Scragg to co-chair an event, and they invited artist friends to form a planning committee.

The committee developed the art show to recognize the work of area women artists, to highlight YWCA’s goal of becoming a women’s center, to cooperate with the Arts Council on a community project, and to raise funds for YWCA. Many visitors viewed the show during Walk on Wick and at a gala preview party. The enthusiastic committee determined the show should become an annual event.

The art show continues to highlight and support women artists and their contributions to the arts in our community. The show also raises funds for the YWCA housing programs. All proceeds from the art show benefit the YWCA Supportive Housing Programs for women.

Thank You to Our Sponsors

Barbara Brothers

Nancy K. Morris Endowment Fund

Chuck Baker

Carl C. James